Our Mission
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen.
We are a church that is for the glory of God the Father, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit the Comforter.
This is a Coptic Orthodox Church in its faith, doctrine, traditions, and teachings under the leadership of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II & the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and care and supervision of HG Bishop David in the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York and New England.
The church's mission, united in the one body of Christ, while trusting and following God, is to seek God and his kingdom first and bring our community with us.
Our core values:
- Church is the community of believers
- Every member is valuable and should play a role
- God is love and everything should be done in love
- As a church, we are the light of the world in whom the community sees Christ and through whom Christ serves the community
Because of our core values that we humbly hold, we are:
- A faithful community to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, eager and enthusiastic to grow spiritually and to be a positive influence in its surroundings
- A worshipping community which offers praise and glory to God
- Unity and love in nature; a parish that is of one family and one body of Christ
- It is a place where no one stands alone
- Focusing on the love of God through spiritual growth and also on the love of neighbor through community service and humanitarian work
May the church be a pillar for the salvation of our souls that the Lord Christ purchased for us with his blood, and glory to his name, forever, Amen.