The Coptic Church
est. 42 AD
The Coptic Church is the Egyptian Church, Copt and aygipt are the same word. The Coptic Church began its history as established by St. Mark the Evangelist in the first century of Christianity. It is now more than nineteen centuries old. We notice that In the Old Testament we have a prophesy concerning the Coptic Church. As it is written in the Book of Isaiah the prophet, Chapter 19, “there will be an altar in the midst of Egypt.” Why did our Lord choose Egypt for His altar? That is something special. Egypt was a land of civilization and great history. Its civilization began more than 3,000 years before Christ. The Bible references key people that visited Egypt enriching its civilization. Some of these key figures are: 1) Moses, the prophet, who was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. 2) Abraham, the father of fathers; 3) Jacob; 4) Joseph, Jacob’s son; 5) the twelve tribes of Israel; 6) Jeremiah, and others. The crowning point of the sojourns was the visit of the 7) Holy Family at the beginning of Christianity during the childhood of our Lord. Egypt was blessed by the visit of our Lord, and it was the only country in the world, except for His birthland, that our Lord visited. Many miracles took place there during the visit of the Holy Family and many places were blessed. Many churches have been built in the places where the Holy Family lived.
“Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.”
Acts 20:28 (NKJV)
The church of Christ is often compared to a flock. The word “flock” here refers particularly to the church, and not to the congregation in general, for it is represented to be what was purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ. Our responsibility as servants of God are to 1) To take heed to the church; that is, to instruct, teach, and guide it; to guard it from enemies, 2) to take heed to all the flock the rich and the poor, the bond and the free, the old and the young. It is the duty of the servants to seek to promote the spiritual being of each individual of their charge not to pass by the poor because they are poor, and not to be afraid of the rich because they are rich, but to serve through the Holy Spirit.
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